Designed to capture the heart, this bouquet goes above and beyond to create a space where modern style and love’s every wish unite. Hot pink roses, red roses, and red spray roses are arranged to perfection and embellished with sparkling stone accents at the center of select blooms, as well as, silver wires to create a fascinating looping effect, taking the average rose bouquet to a new level of sophistication. Tying everything together is the modern mirrored vase that brings light and love to this unique design.
For anyone interested in truly expressing their deepest love — or perhaps humbly asking for forgiveness — the Blushing Extravagance Luxury Bouquet indeed fits the bill. Featuring roses of several different luscious hues that are not only eye-catching but deliciously fragrant, dazzling stones that accentuate the intricate delicacy of the rose, and sumptuous, glittery accents, this extravagant rose bouquet is a feast for the eyes as well as the nose, and sure to win over even the most hardened of hearts.
This stunning, extravagant rose bouquet is unique like no other flower arrangement of its kind. The Flower Co. has gone above and beyond to craft an extravagance luxury bouquet that features only the freshest flowers from some of the most respected and recognized flower farms in South America, where floriculture is held in high esteem. Professional floral designers have gone to great lengths to create the ultimate in an extravagance luxury bouquet, using skill and craftsmanship to artfully combine all elements together in what becomes a work of art.
The name extravagant says it all: Luxury, refinement, and maximum beauty. It is made to dazzle and conquer any heart! The blushing extravagance luxury bouquet is more than a bouquet of red flowers, it is a piece of art and something to cherish. The lucky person who receives it can keep the sparkling mirrored vase forever as an item to be treasured and loved and to always remember the deep meaning behind it.
The rose bouquet is perfect for Valentine’s Day, a special birthday, a wedding anniversary, or any other occasion that demands a gift of style, grace, luxury, and refinement. Unique and intriguing, the Blushing Extravagance Luxury Bouquet is sure to become a conversation piece for anyone who displays it in their home or office.
This beautiful and eye-catching flower arrangement is the perfect gift to make any event just a little bit more special, and add a touch of class and sweetness. By sending the rose bouquet you will make that special person feel loved and praised. These flowers are designed to dazzle and delight. The small sparkling stones within the roses give it a touch of supreme elegance, and the overall effect is pure luxury and decadence. When you send a gift like this, you’re truly sending your pure emotions — be those love, affection, or of great apology! Your special someone is sure to melt when they receive this bouquet.