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Sweet Soul™ Bouquet


Sweet Soul™ Bouquet by Flower Co. is a celebration of colour and floral design that brings energy with its radiant beauty, and unmatched elegance to your special recipient’s every day. Arranged by our expert florist this showcasing arrangement features miniature bananas, red ginger flowers, as well as white chilli flowers and...

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Sweet Soul™ Bouquet by Flower Co. is a celebration of colour and floral design that brings energy with its radiant beauty, and unmatched elegance to your special recipient’s every day. Arranged by our expert florist this showcasing arrangement features miniature bananas, red ginger flowers, as well as white chilli flowers and tropical designer’s foliage. This IMPRESSIVE arrangement comes as a presentation bouquet or in a classic clear glass vase.  

Send the vibrant colours and exciting textures of the tropics to your special someone or to a friend to bring a big smile to their face. The exotic blooms and sweet fruits of this unique arrangement, for which you can select a vase or have sent as a bouquet, is a truly special Sweet Soul Bouquet. You’ll delight and surprise your sweetheart — or just about anyone in your life — with these sweet soul flowers. Bursting with fun colours and interesting textures, the Sweet Soul Bouquet is a fabulous way to show them you are thinking about them and express your emotions with beautiful blooms.  

The Sweet Soul Bouquet is a little bit unexpected and a little bit funky. If you have a friend or family member in your life who is a tad offbeat and walks to the beat of their own drum, they will absolutely love this fun and soulful flower arrangement, resplendent with vibrant colours. The bright reds of the ginger flowers perfectly offset the white chilli flowers and verdant greenery in this dazzling display of sweet soul flowers, adding a tropical vibe to just about any room in the house.  

If someone in your life has a birthday coming up, what better way to show them you are thinking of them on their special day than having freshly cut, rainforest certified tropical flowers hand-delivered right to their door? They’ll be surprised and delighted at your thoughtful gesture. These sweet soul flowers will add a bit of brightness to their day and help liven up any celebration.  

Flowers are a traditional way in which to celebrate life’s milestones, like birthdays, anniversaries, and other special times. These sweet soul flowers are sure to add a bit of pizzazz to the next big party on your calendar, and they make an absolutely wonderful host or hostess gift as well. Whether it’s the darker days of winter or a bright summer day, this tropical flower bouquet is sure to be a welcome addition to anyone’s home or office. Give the gift of the tropics for your next party or birthday and watch the smiles grow as everyone exclaims over the beauty of this luscious flower arrangement. It’s no ordinary bouquet — these exotic blooms are fresh, funky and definitely a little bit unexpected. Share the love with flowers.

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