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Spirited Grace™ Lily Bouquet


Spirited Grace™ Lily Bouquet offers sweet serenity with every fragrant bloom. Bright white Oriental lilies create a simple, yet sophisticated bouquet, arranged in a sleek clear glass vase sending your wish for happiness and tranquillity.   Looking for an arrangement to express your intention of helping someone making feel calm...

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Spirited Grace™ Lily Bouquet offers sweet serenity with every fragrant bloom. Bright white Oriental lilies create a simple, yet sophisticated bouquet, arranged in a sleek clear glass vase sending your wish for happiness and tranquillity.  

Looking for an arrangement to express your intention of helping someone making feel calm and peaceful? Well, look no more, as we have found the perfect bouquet for you!  
This all-white flower bouquet will match any purpose, as this beauty will catch any eye that is drawn to it. Get ready for a little creation of nature, made specially by our floral designers who have done a beautiful job by creating this piece of grace.  

Have you ever thought about giving someone a gift, that could express your intentions without saying one word? The lily bouquet is full of grace, full of tranquillity and radiates just the most innocent and pure feelings for someone.  

The lily flower is a flower with a long history. They are exotic flowers, resistant, and with a fragrance that makes you fall in love. And last but not least, it is a flower full of symbolism. For example, white lilies symbolize innocence and purity. Sending a bouquet of lilies is a common way to express good intentions and best wishes to someone else. It is a beautiful flower with an intense and pleasant perfume, and some varieties were even used in the past as a remedy for some minor ailments. So, if you are planning to send this beauty to someone, it will fit perfectly with any ambiance and any environment.  

The lily flower has become part of some of the history in many different cultures. For example, in ancient Mesopotamia, the union between feminine and masculine is attributed to it. Also, the Egyptian people used it to anoint the body of their pharaohs in ancient times. And in the age of the Roman Empire and Classical Greece, this flower was a symbol of femininity, as Greeks and Romans gave white Lilium flowers to women to wish them long lives, as well as abundant and prosperous motherhoods.  

We invite you to send this powerful flower as white lilies bouquet will bring much more than just beauty. The flower vibrates peace, comes with a history, grace, and tradition, apart from being extremely stunning and graceful.

Standard Bouquet – Includes 9 stems
Fuller Bouquet – Includes 12 stems
Premium Bouquet – Includes 15 stems

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