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Flourishing Beauty™ Bouquet


Flower Bouquet Natural elegance to celebrate any occasion! Like a flourishing garden, this gorgeous bouquet of luxurious white blooms and fresh greens in a weather slate pot is a feast for the senses. This natural arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, green carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, green hanging...

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Flower Bouquet

Natural elegance to celebrate any occasion! Like a flourishing garden, this gorgeous bouquet of luxurious white blooms and fresh greens in a weather slate pot is a feast for the senses. This natural arrangement includes white roses, white asiatic lilies, green carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, green hanging amaranthus, bupleurum, leatherleaf fern, pitta negra, parvifolia eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, and a large green potted echeveria succulent.
The Flourishing Beauty Bouquet is an arrangement for any occasion. It is specially made to provide peace of mind! The white flowers combined with the fresh greens definitely say harmony and nature and is that not what we all want?! If you wish to bring a calming sense of peace to your home, this white and green arrangement is perfect and brings just that!

An arrangement like this works for a birthday, for a graduation, for a work promotion, and even if you are going to visit someone and do not wish to arrive empty-handed; these white flowers say it all. It is a gift for both the person and for the home as it is always amazing to receive an unexpected gift when someone is visiting. Let us give credit where credit is due, as this arrangement will definitely liven up the atmosphere while you are engaging in a conversation. This amazing flower bouquet will be a focal point for the people in the room and will definitely receive lots of compliments; and in return so will you! And to highlight these particular type of blooms, we should mention that they will not look wrong in any space, as the flowers in the arrangement are all basic colours, the arrangement will look good in any space and with any type of interior decoration! You can place them in the living room, in the family room, in the dining room, on the table in the garden while you are drinking a cold lemonade in the summer; yes, this bouquet is made to fit any and all occasions!

If you are looking for a spectacular, stunning, and awe-inspiring bouquet, choose this one! This comes with more than just one flower variety and it is carefully mixed with the freshest flower selection by our floral designers. This is perfect for what you are looking for, and we invite you to observe it carefully and notice how many fresh greens it includes: different types of eucalyptus, pittosporum and leather leaves. It is definitely not missing anything! It even comes with beautiful and noticeable succulent plants that make this arrangement unique and super stylish. Our creative floral designers have struck gold with this green and white mix: the Flourishing Beauty Bouquet.

Do not miss your chance to surprise your special one by giving them one of these remarkable and Earth-shattering bouquets made with eleven different and extraordinary types of flowers and greens! Show someone that you care and give them some calmness, thoughtfulness and fidelity by sharing this exceptional arrangement.

Delivered in a weathered slate round pot.

Orientation: All-Around

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