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Boy-Oh-Boy™ Bouquet


The Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet employs roses and Asiatic lilies to send your bright and sunny congratulations on the birth of their new baby boy! Yellow roses and carnations are brought together with pale green mini carnations, white Asiatic lilies, yellow solidago and lush greens exquisitely arranged in a clear glass gathered...

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The Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet employs roses and Asiatic lilies to send your bright and sunny congratulations on the birth of their new baby boy! Yellow roses and carnations are brought together with pale green mini carnations, white Asiatic lilies, yellow solidago and lush greens exquisitely arranged in a clear glass gathered square vase. Accented with blue and lavender wired ribbon, this bouquet creates a wonderful way to send your warmest wishes for the adventure of parenthood ahead.  

The freshness and uniqueness of the boy oh boy bouquet is a real stunner. This beautiful carnation rose bouquet is a work of art that our floral designers have created to give you an arrangement worthy of displaying in your space. For every expectant parent, a gift of fresh blooms is a wonderful gift. This carnation and lily bouquet fits the bill and is sure to delight the new mom or dad.  

The pale whites and yellows of these blooms blend variegated shades of green and cream to create a stunning, delicate arrangement that speaks to the heart. With contrasting colours and textures, the arrangement draws the eye in and encourages the viewer to look more closely at the undulating petals. Situated in a stunning glass vase, this flower arrangement is the perfect addition to any room in the house and will brighten the day of everyone who looks upon it.   

The star of the show in this resplendent bouquet is truly the exquisite lilies. Light in colour and intricate in design, lilies have long been regarded as a symbol of rebirth, freshness, and the promise of springtime. When you send a flower arrangement with lilies, you’re expressing your hope that the recipient gains all the strength, hope, and promise of a new season — the very elements that lilies are thought by legend to possess. Roses, another timeless classic, are the symbol of love — they have been used for centuries to express care and deep affection.   

The combination of these two exquisite blooms makes them even more powerful, and their two delightful aromas mix and mingle in the air, creating a truly magical atmosphere and letting the recipient know that the sender truly wishes to convey great affection, well-wishes, and hopes for abundance for the expecting mother or father. The arrival of a child is one of the most special occasions in anyone’s life, and it’s important to mark these events with appropriately lovely blooms.   

Lilies and roses are traditional flowers, but they’ve been combined by our expert flower artisans to demonstrate a new freshness in this bouquet. The boy oh boy bouquet is a true original — just like every expectant parent out there. White represents purity, while yellow symbolizes prosperity — just what you’d like to signify to any new mom or dad. Flowers can also be very soothing to the soul, and bring with them an aura of calm and serenity, which is something every new parent could use. You’re really showing your appreciation and congratulations when you send this bouquet.   

The stylish clear glass vase adds style and beauty to the lush arrangement. It incorporates effortlessly in any home’s decor, looks great on a round or square table, and is easy to move to suit your needs. The vase is reusable and will surely become a keepsake to anyone who receives it. The accentuating ribbon is also a nice touch and can be used as a keepsake for the lucky recipient of this flower arrangement. 

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