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Orchid Green Bouquet™


Arranged by our expert florists, bringing some spring beauty to your special recipient's door, our Orchid Green Bouquet blooms with an eye-catching texture that is sure to capture their every attention. Hand gathered and showcasing an attractive green combination just in time for St, Patrick's Day, this stunning bouquet has...

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Arranged by our expert florists, bringing some spring beauty to your special recipient's door, our Orchid Green Bouquet blooms with an eye-catching texture that is sure to capture their every attention. Hand gathered and showcasing an attractive green combination just in time for St, Patrick's Day, this stunning bouquet has been picked fresh for you to help you send your happy birthday, thank you, or congratulations wishes across the miles.

Bouquet includes green cymbidium orchids, succulents, viburnum snowballs and seeded eucalyptus within a clear glass cube vases lined with green leaves.

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