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The Color Your Day With Black Beauty™ Bouquet


The Color Your Day With Black Beauty Bouquet is a stunning display of bold colour to give your special recipient a gift that reflects their own unique charm and grace. Lavender roses, fuchsia carnations, purple double lisianthus, white Asiatic lilies, bupleurum and lush greens are artfully arranged within a striking...

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The Color Your Day With Black Beauty Bouquet is a stunning display of bold colour to give your special recipient a gift that reflects their own unique charm and grace. Lavender roses, fuchsia carnations, purple double lisianthus, white Asiatic lilies, bupleurum and lush greens are artfully arranged within a striking black quart size decorative paint can inspired vase to create an incredible gift they won't soon forget.

Standard bouquet is approximately 11″H x 11″W.
Fuller bouquet is approximately 12″H x 12″W.
Premium bouquet is approximately 13″H x 13″W.

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