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Wild One™ Bouquet


Hey there flower lover! Have you heard about the Wild One™ Bouquet by the Flower Co.? This gorgeous arrangement is bursting with all the colours and beauty that comes with the arrival of spring. Our talented florists have lovingly hand-arranged the freshest blooms to create a truly special bouquet that's...

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Hey there flower lover! Have you heard about the Wild One™ Bouquet by the Flower Co.? This gorgeous arrangement is bursting with all the colours and beauty that comes with the arrival of spring. Our talented florists have lovingly hand-arranged the freshest blooms to create a truly special bouquet that's perfect for any occasion.

One of the standout features of the Wild One™ Bouquet is the unique and striking Wild One Roses. These beauties boast deep red petals with an orange-yellow undertone that catches the eye and steals the heart. And they're not the only roses in the mix! We've also included a selection of other roses to add depth and variety to the bouquet.

But that's not all - the Wild One™ Bouquet is a veritable feast for the senses! We've included cheerful gerberas, soft and delicate dianthus, and charming scabiosa to create a stunning blend of blossoming flowers. And to add some texture and intrigue, we've thrown in some commercial mums and thistles. The result is a truly unique and unforgettable bouquet that's sure to make an impression. 

To tie everything together, we've included seeded eucalyptus that cascades in one direction to create a flowing, organic feel. This gorgeous foliage not only adds a touch of wildness and texture to the bouquet but also provides a subtle scent that enhances the overall experience. And let's not forget about the lotus flower pods! These exotic pods are unlike anything else in the floral world, with a distinctive shape and texture that make them a standout element in the Wild One™ Bouquet.

Whether you're looking to celebrate a special occasion or just want to show someone you care, the Wild One™ Bouquet is the perfect choice. With its vibrant colours and unique blend of flowers and foliage, it's a true feast for the senses. So why not surprise someone special with a bouquet that's as wild and beautiful as they are? Order the Wild One™ Bouquet today and let us do the rest!

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