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Woodland Beauty™ Luxury Garden Rose Bouquet


Blooming with a soft sophistication that echoes the sweeping grace of quiet beauty, our Woodland Beauty Luxury Rose Bouquet by Interflora® creates that perfect gift to mark any of life's special moments. Bringing together hand gathered, farm fresh stems of Juliet Garden Roses flaunting ruffled petals to catch the eye,...

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Woodland Beauty Luxury Rose Bouquet Top- vase of Juliet Garden Roses and dusty miller

Blooming with a soft sophistication that echoes the sweeping grace of quiet beauty, our Woodland Beauty Luxury Rose Bouquet by Interflora® creates that perfect gift to mark any of life's special moments. Bringing together hand gathered, farm fresh stems of Juliet Garden Roses flaunting ruffled petals to catch the eye, this arrangement is then gorgeously accented with Dusty Miller stems, known for their silver tone. Presented with a shining modern trend right vase, that brings an element of light to this piece, this stunning bouquet is set to create an unforgettable birthday, thank you, or congratulations gift.  

A lovely and timeless garden rose bouquet is what everyone desires!  

Have you ever wondered about sending garden roses to attract someone's attention? Well, you definitely should, as they are gorgeous and flamboyant roses from the inside out. They are beautiful to have in the home and also a perfect gift to send to someone.  

The garden roses most desired by wedding decorators, interior designers and flower lovers, are Juliet roses by David Austin. These garden roses have occupied the most privileged positions in the most luxurious weddings for a reason. Here we present them to you in a beautiful arrangement of 8 stems ready to be sent to your lucky recipient.  

If you are trying to capture someone's attention and impress them with flowers full of style and class, the Juliet garden rose is a perfect flower for the occasion. These flowers are very difficult to find, which only adds to their desirability! So you can be put at ease, by sending an arrangement that is not only gorgeous to look at, but also incredibly rare.  

Our floral designers have created a beautiful piece of art, be it for a birthday, anniversary, or simply just to show your love to someone. Our artisans have combined in this Juliet rose bouquet with some classy Dusty Miller greenery that gives the entire arrangement a touch of luxury and then finally, we will have them placed in a trendy, silver vase that continues to incorporate luxury and gives it the modern touch that would then go with any living space and interior decoration.  

The Juliet rose by David Austin that comes in this arrangement has a beautiful, pastel peach tone which gives off a vibrant feeling of softness and tenderness and it will increase the ambience in the room to spread a harmonious and peaceful vibe. This gorgeous arrangement is made to catch your gaze so it is perfect to put it as a decorative piece in the most visible place; it can fit in any room and on any piece of furniture. These flowers are made to enhance any environment, and it can start with yours as soon as today!  

So spread some surprise and cheer into the heart of your loved one by sending this outstanding floral arrangement!  

Standard Bouquet – Includes 8 rose stems
Fuller Bouquet – Includes 9 rose stems
Premium Bouquet – Includes 10 rose stems

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