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Arrive In Style™ Bouquet

$75.00 $55.00

Style Flower   When you want your best wishes to arrive in high style, go with this fashionable, feminine bouquet! Full and fragrant, it gathers soft pink roses with white lilies, alstroemeria and mums into a rounded ginger vase. Light pink roses, white Asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria and white cushion...

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Style Flower


When you want your best wishes to arrive in high style, go with this fashionable, feminine bouquet! Full and fragrant, it gathers soft pink roses with white lilies, alstroemeria and mums into a rounded ginger vase.

Light pink roses, white Asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are mixed with white statice and variegated pittosporum in a clear, rounded vase.  

Let us think this for a minute: if you choose this bouquet to send to your loved one, we believe it would make a big difference. As you can perceive from this pastel coloured bouquet, it has many touches of tenderness. Adorable and sweet, this super feminine flower arrangement would show that same part of you, and by giving one these to the woman you love, you allow that soft part of you to be revealed.  

Furthermore, Arrive in Style is one of the most fashionable bouquets we have: the white and pink flowers, with touches of green, make it look extremely trendy. This style flower combination is a great gift idea because it works for any taste; you will not be dismissed by any woman with this. The bouquet is a magnet for most interior designing aficionados; the mix of the flower between roses, lilies, alstroemeria and mums are a perfect choice to brighten any room. Arrive in Style is a perfect choice for spaces decorated with themes such as tropical, minimal, classic, and vintage styles.  

This arrangement will light up with any room with a fresh garden vibe, with its summer flowers it brings that floral captivation any room; the space that all women want to live. In terms of the location of these gorgeous flowers, you do not have to think much about it: this combination of mixed flowers will match any interior theme, and it will look amazingly beautiful on either a centre table in your living room or any side table in the library or TV room. Even if you want to place it out of the house (for example on a backyard table) it will be sure to catch the attention of all of your guests.  

The Arrive in Style bouquet has as their main flower, the classic rose, the stunning lily, and of course, the sweet and beautiful alstroemeria, and keep reading! Here are some definitions of the flowers and colours this beautiful bouquet represents (if you believe in these types of things as we do). So, let's start, as you can see from the photo, the bouquet features beautiful pink roses that represent gratitude, appreciation, and admiration! The unique white lilies symbolize strength, support, and purity, whilst the famous Latin-American flower, the alstroemeria, represents wealth, fortune, and prosperity. What else do you need to find in a bouquet? This bouquet gives you everything!  

Let this fashionable splash of beauty and sweet natural arrangement come into the hands of your loved one. Surprise her with this most feminine and pretty bouquet and see her smiling amongst the flowers!

Approximately 10 1/2″ W x 11″ H

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