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Wild Sunset™ Luxury Bouquet


The Wild Sunset™ Luxury Bouquet by Flower Co. is a stunning warm-toned design comprised of bicolor garden-type roses, orange gerberas and spray roses, red hypericum, purple veronicas and sinensis, and kale, surrounded by luscious foliage and elegant twig wrapping. It's a graceful colour palette that will delight any flower lover...

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Stunning 50-stem bouquet with orange, red, yellow, purple and green flowers. Grown in Ecuador and delivered by Flower Co.

The Wild Sunset™ Luxury Bouquet by Flower Co. is a stunning warm-toned design comprised of bicolor garden-type roses, orange gerberas and spray roses, red hypericum, purple veronicas and sinensis, and kale, surrounded by luscious foliage and elegant twig wrapping. It's a graceful colour palette that will delight any flower lover with its 50 stems of fresh and exclusive varieties.  If you want to pleasantly surprise someone, this is the ideal arrangement to leave them speechless.

Grown in the mountains of Ecuador by one of our partner sustainable farms and delivered fresh cut to your door by Flower Co.

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